Friday, January 11, 2013

Task Sequence reports exit error code 183

Every (mostly even) task sequence reports exit error code 183 if you advertise several task sequences to a SMS/SCCM client machine in Configuration Manager 2007.
The error normally appears in SCCM when you perform the below tasks:
  1. You create several task sequences in SCCM 2007.
  2. You advertise these task sequences to a SMS/SCCM clients. All advertisements are mandatory.
  3. All advertisements are scheduled to run at the same time.
  4. User notification is disabled in the properties of the advertised programs client agent.
Note that this problem does not occur when user notification is enabled.

When this problem occurs, information that resembles the following is logged in the execmgr.log file as:
1600 (0x0640) 19.12.2007 13:31:34 Program exit code 183
1600 (0x0640) 19.12.2007 13:31:34 Script for Package:J1000014, Program: * failed with exit code 183
1600 (0x0640) 19.12.2007 13:31:34 Execution is complete for program *. The exit code is 183, the execution status is FailureNonRetry

Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in SCCM 2007, and the Article ID 946519 explains the scenario with a Hotfix and Workaround steps.

You can download the hotfix

Hotfix information
A supported hotfix is available from Microsoft. However, this hotfix is intended to correct only the problem that is described above. Apply this hotfix only to systems that are experiencing this specific problem.

No prerequisites are required.

Restart requirement
You do not have to restart the computer after you apply this hotfix.
Enable user notification in the properties of the advertised programs client agent. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Open the Configuration Manager console.
  2. In the console tree, expand Site Management, expand the node that corresponds to the current site, expand Site Settings, and then click Client Agents.
  3. In the details pane, right-click Advertised Programs Client Agent, and then click Properties.
  4. On the Notification tab, click to select Provide a countdown, and then click OK.
Use only one task sequence at a time :)


Monday, January 7, 2013


Here is a simple post from Eswar explaining why and where to use SQL join. Please check the below link to view the post:

Writing SCCM Reports using SQL Joins

For more detailed information on SQL joins, Check the below post by :

Joins in sql server, Inner Join, Cross Join, Left Outer Join, Equi join, Right Outer Join, Full Outer Join

Friday, January 4, 2013

Software Distribution is currently paused on this computer

   Today I came across a new issue while working on SCCM Task Sequence. The deployed softwares are not being received by the SCCM Client machine. My analysis on the issue and the solution with ref. links are given below for your reference.

The ConfigMgr Status Message Viewer showed the error stated below:

Message ID : 10038
System      : "MachineName"
Source       : SMS Client
Component : Software Distribution  Description: "The program for advertisement "ABCxxxxx" has not been run yet ("ABCyyyyy" - "App - Install"). Software Distribution is currently paused on this computer, and it has to be resumed before this program can begin."

Execmgr.log says "This program cannot run because a reboot is in progress or software distribution is paused."

If Task Manager does not un-pause (resume) Software Distribution, then it will eventually get itself out of the paused state after 24 hours (probably it should).

Check the below snapshot and the registry keys:

For X86 machines: 
  • HKEY_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\SMS\Mobile Client\Software Distribution\State\Pause
For X64 Machines:
  • HKEY_Local_Machine\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\SMS\Mobile Client\Software Distribution\State\Pause 
  • HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Task Sequence
On the right pane of the registry path, there might be some values that were not set to 0 again. Change the DWORD values for "Paused" and "Paused Cookie" from '1' to '0' and if possible restart the client.

You can try to stop/start the SMS Task Sequence Agent and then restart the SMS Agent Host, wait a couple of minutes and the Software Distribution will resume its process.

Please note that the task sequence resumed on the second snapshot but the detail states that it is failed which is due to a different error '183'. The discussion about the exit error code 183 is detailed here in my next post -->
