Saturday, October 9, 2021

The operating system reported error 615: The password provided is too short...... Please choose a longer password.

Recently I started working on OS Imaging once again and it's refreshing. New challenges and here I'm with new solutions!

Error Description

The task sequence failed to install application < > (ScopeId_< >/Application_< >) for action in the group () with exit code 615. The operating system reported error 615: The password provided is too short to meet the policy of your user account. Please choose a longer password.

This is not a new error and forums and blogs have various details. I'm going to have the context crisp to resolution.


OS Task Sequence fails at an application installation step with the above mentioned error. Most online forums relate this to the migration of SCCM Console version and that the apps which are migrated are having this issue. In my case, it was Trendmicro ApexOne Security Agent, an active and working application created on the current SCCM platform version a few months back. 


Software Library --> Application Management --> Applications -->  <Application Name> (Trendmicro ApexOne antivirus package in my case) --> 'Deployment Types' tab --> right click the Install program and click on 'Update Content'. 

Reinitiated the OS deployment Task Sequence, and it ran like a butter. :) Cheers!